About Bone Grafting

In an ideal world, your bone and gum tissue should fit snugly around your teeth like a glove. However, if you have suffered a period of oral disease then this supporting bone and tissue is destroyed. This leaves gaps known as 'pockets' around your teeth. If these pockets are left untreated then they continue to get deeper. This dramatically increases the risk of infection, bone loss and eventually tooth loss, along with other complications. Luckily, when a period of oral disease has destroyed the bone which supports the teeth, the damage can be reversed. To form a base for new bone to grow we use synthetic bone substitutes to make a matrix for the new bone to grow in and around. Over the next 6 months natural bodily processes will replace the synthetic material with strong new bone growth. We can usually do this at the same time as setting a dental implant, however if you have lost a lot of bone, we may need to implant the materials first as a preliminary procedure. If you feel your dental health would benefit from bone grafting treatment, contact our expert to discuss the procedure.